
Assisting you in accomplishing your legislative goals

The legislative process is never as neat and tidy as it looks on paper. Clients need an experienced guide to help them navigate the process and carefully monitor progress. We know the players and the culture and can help clients find and pursue the most effective course to accomplish their legislative goals.


Our Services

  • Real-Time Bill Tracking- Keeping up with the rapid pace of legislative developments can be challenging. Our real-time bill tracking service allows clients to stay informed about the status and progression of relevant bills. By closely monitoring changes, amendments, and progression of these bills, we provide clients with up-to-the-minute insights that could impact their interests.


  • Weekly Reports and Insights from the Capitol- Knowledge is power, especially in the dynamic world of legislation. We provide weekly reports that offer valuable insights directly from the heart of legislative action. These reports detail the latest advancements, changes, and trends in legislation, providing a comprehensive picture of the legislative landscape as it pertains to our clients’ goals.


  • Organizing Legislator Meetings- Engaging directly with lawmakers is often a crucial part of legislative advocacy. We facilitate these interactions by organizing meetings with legislators. These meetings offer an opportunity for our clients to express their views, understand legislative positions, and establish beneficial relationships.


  • Lobby Day Planning- Lobby Day is an essential event that allows organizations to directly advocate for their causes. We assist in planning for these critical events, arranging schedules, preparing materials, and ensuring our clients are well-prepared to effectively communicate their message.


  • Drafting Policy Language and Amendments- The language of legislation is critical to its interpretation and impact. We support clients in drafting precise policy language and amendments, ensuring their goals are accurately reflected in legislative proposals.


  • Negotiating Language on Behalf of the Organization- Legislation is often a matter of negotiation. We use our expertise and knowledge of legislative procedure to negotiate language on behalf of our clients, working to align legislative texts with our clients’ objectives.


  • Support for Legislative Hearings- Legislative hearings can be pivotal events in the lawmaking process. We provide robust support for these hearings, preparing clients for their presentations, and offering insights into the likely lines of questioning and debate.


  • Monitoring Floor Debate- Much can be learned from the discussions that take place during legislative debates. By monitoring these debates, we gather valuable information about lawmakers’ stances and the potential trajectory of legislation, providing our clients with strategic insights.


  • Internal and External Messaging and Strategy Support- Communication is key in the legislative process. We assist with both internal and external messaging, ensuring our clients communicate their position effectively. Our strategy support aligns these communications with our clients’ broader legislative goals.


  • Providing Candidate/Legislator Insights- Understanding the views and positions of individual legislators can be instrumental in shaping legislative strategy. We provide detailed insights into legislators and candidates, informing our clients about potential allies, opposition, and avenues for persuasion.


  • Attending Organization Meetings as Requested- Face-to-face discussions can often yield the most meaningful progress. As requested, we attend organization meetings, providing our expertise and insights in real time, and contributing to the strategic discussions that guide our clients’ legislative efforts.